- Results 4 Development Stages
- Results 4 Development Center
- Results 4 Development
- Results 4 Development Process
- Results For America

Results 4 Development Stages
The next reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides an opportunity for federal policymakers to harness the power of evidence and data to significantly improve workforce outcomes for our nation’s youth, adult, and dislocated workers.
Results for Development (R4D) is a leading non-profit global development partner. We collaborate with change agents around the world — government officials. Results for America will improve outcomes for young people, their families, and communities by shifting public resources toward programs and practices that use evidence and data to improve quality and get better results. Thank you for visiting the Indiana 4-H Youth Development website. We will be partnering with the Indiana State Fair to post 4-H exhibit results. The results we post from 4-H livestock competitions are unofficial and are generally not available until show records have been audited after the completion of the show. Results for Development Institute (R4D) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to spark innovative ideas and catalyze high-impact actions that reduce poverty and improve lives in developing countries. R4D works to bridge the gap between research and implementation, drawing on experience about what works on the ground.
Results for America’s new report – Moneyball for Workforce Development – highlights a series of policy recommendations to help federal policymakers ensure that federal workforce funds promote innovation, continuous improvement, and the scaling of proven workforce solutions.
Results 4 Development Center
More specifically, the report recommends:
- Defining and prioritizing evidence of effectiveness in WIOA grant programs;
- Setting aside 1% of WIOA funds for program evaluations;
- Creating a new Workforce Innovation Fund; and
- Highlighting how state and local government workforce agencies are already building and using evidence to improve workforce outcomes.

Results 4 Development

These recommendations, if implemented, could enable the reauthorization of WIOA to catalyze a truly evidence-driven public workforce system.
Results 4 Development Process

Results For America

Moderated by Results for America’s Vice President of Workforce Development, Celeste Richie, this conversation with Frieda Molina, Deputy Director for the Low-Wage Workers and Communities Policy Area at MDRC, and Allison Jones, Deputy Secretary of Policy and Planning in the Office of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf explores the promising evaluation findings from the WorkAdvance study and the impressive strides that the state of Pennsylvania is making in building a more evidence-based and equitable public workforce system. Both of these initiatives are featured in RFA’s Moneyball for Workforce Development report which highlights 8 policy recommendations to help federal policymakers ensure that federal workforce funds promote innovation, continuous improvement, and the scaling of proven workforce solutions.