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It may be difficult to place a number on how much weed should get you high and into outer space. This is because so many factors come into play before you hit euphoric zones.
But I will do my best to come as close to realistic figures as I can get.
This can serve as a guide to an aspiring cannabis consumer needing to know where to place the limits. But before we do that, let me explain in a nutshell why weed gets you high.
Why does weed get you high?
When tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) gets into your bloodstream, it is quickly transported to the brain, binds to cannabinoid receptor CB1. This is the same receptor that Anandamide, the body’s bliss molecule, binds to.
Binding onto this receptor triggers a sense of happiness. Unlike Anandamide, which is quickly broken down by metabolic enzymes and removed from the body, THC persists in causing extreme happiness and euphoria. This is how you get “high.”
A note on Decarboxylation
Raw cannabis contains THCA, which needs to be heated up to convert into the active form, which is THC. Because of this, raw cannabis does not cause euphoria but has significant therapeutic potential.
A few factors affecting your ability to get high
How potent the weed is
Not all weed is “created the same.” Some strains will have more THC than others. The more potent a strain is, the faster it will get you high.
The type of strain
Sativas tend to have a stronger cerebral buzz than Iindicas. Consuming a Sativa strain may get you high faster than an indica strain will.
Personal traits
Factors such as age, tolerance, how often you smoke, and weight determine how fast you will get high. The elderly (over 60 years) and children will get high on a small dose of THC. How often you consume weed will also impact your tolerance levels and how soon you will get high.
How you consume the weed
When weed is inhaled either through a bong or vaporizer, it reaches the bloodstream faster than if taken orally. This is because cannabis edibles have to be metabolized in the liver first before being released into the bloodstream.
With these compounding factors out of our way, we can look at how much THC is needed to get you on cloud nine.
When you smoke, how much should you get high?
For a newbie, the rule of thumb is 1-2 hits at a go. If this does not get you high, give it some time before trying another two hits. If the second attempt fails to work the magic, keep off until the next day before you try again.
Joint sizes generally range from 0.25 to 1+ gram. The ¼ gram joint is usually recommended for the first time and occasional smokers. Seasoned smokers may do well with larger joint sizes.
How many edibles will get you high
Cannabis edibles are foods and treat infused with weed. When you consume edibles, they enter the digestive system and find their way to the brain after undergoing the first-pass effect.
It will take about 30-120 minutes before you start feeling the effects of the weed. However, the effects will last for longer.
The state of Colorado recommends starting with 10mg for new users and occasional users.
However, the Marijuana Policy Project advocates for 5mg, following the First Time 5 campaign. You can then proceed to 10 mg and later 20 mg as your system gets used to THC.
But remember that the effects may take up to two hours before they set in. Many stories have been told of people who went on eating more edibles thinking that they were not getting high, only to find themselves over-intoxicated after two hours and suffering the consequences.
Occasional User Meaning Definition
So what is recommended is that you start slow and go slow with edibles. Should you fail to get high, give it two solid hours before, you think of trying out some more edibles.
For regular users, it may take between 50-100mg of THC to get a substantial-high. Also, remember that the high caused by edibles tends to last longer. It is always advisable to hydrate as you consume edibles.
How many tincture drops will get you high
Cannabis oil may come in the form of tinctures. It is always advisable to start with a few drops with tinctures, 2-4 drops sublingually before you progress to higher dosages.
You can calculate the THC amount in each drop and stick with 5-10mg of THC at one sitting. This should be enough to get a newbie high.
When THC is used sublingually, it gets into the bloodstream immediately, bypassing the first-pass effect. This means that you will get high sooner.
How many Topical applications will get you high

Cannabis-infused topicals are usually applied directly to the skin. They come in the form of salves, creams, and ointments.
With topicals, it is tough to get high, even when they contain THC. So you never need to worry about getting intoxicated when using a cannabis topical.
Dabbing involves taking concentrated forms of cannabis such as wax and shatter using a dab rig.
Concentrates will usually come in servings of half a gram or one gram, and they may have between 60% and 90% THC.
This means that one gram of concentrate may have up to 900 mg of THC. This is definitely not recommended for first-time users. Even seasoned stoners need to stick to small dabs; the size of a grain of rice is enough to get you high.
Infrequent User Meaning
Generally speaking, even that size of concentrate can be overwhelming for a new user.
One final note for newbies
Casual User Meaning In Hindi
There is something known as “first-time user tolerance.” Sometimes new cannabis users fail to get high even after trying out a considerable amount of weed, especially when smoking.
It is not very clear why this happens, but speculation has it that it could result from improper technique. Should this happen to you, do not worry. A few more tries and you will get going with it.