Ocasion En Ingles Rating: 4,8/5 2006 reviews
- Ocasion En Ingles
- Unica Ocasion En Ingles
- Ocasion Especial En Ingles
- Ocasion En Ingles
An opportunity or reason for doing something or for something to happen: The 200th anniversary of Mozart's death was the occasion for hundreds of special films, books and concerts. An occasion may arise when you can use your knowledge of French. The bride took/used the occasion to make a short speech. Te gustaria que salga esta parte en la ocasion remix?like. Suscribete y comenta. Considerando que, en aras de la claridad y de la seguridad juridica y para mayor comodidad de los interesados, resulta conveniente, con ocasion de nuevas modificaciones de la regulacion en la materia, proceder a una refundicion de dicha regulacion.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
on this occasion on that occasion in this case at this juncture
for the occasion
in this occasion in this instance for this occasion on this one at this occasion on the occasion
Ocasion En Ingles
in that occasion
this time this year
Unica Ocasion En Ingles
On this occasion there not been any trauma either.
I shall not say more on this occasion.
Quizás en esta ocasión también al final se sabrá la verdad.
Maybe in this case as well, the truth will come out in the end.
Estaríamos encantados de conocerte en esta ocasión.
We would be happy to meet with you on this occasion.
Es razonable esperar algo similar en esta ocasión.
It is reasonable to expect something similar on this occasion.
Creo que en esta ocasión olvidarás nuestras diferencias...
So, I think that on this occasion you will forget our differences...
This should also be mentioned briefly on this occasion.
Permítanme decir algunas palabras en esta ocasión.
Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion.
Pero en esta ocasión me gustaría hacerle una pregunta en particular.
On this occasion, however, I would like to ask you a particular question.
And' successful on this occasion.
El rival en esta ocasión fueron los New York Jets.
The rival on this occasion was the New York Jets.
Muchos instrumentos eran en esta ocasión destruida.
Many instruments were on this occasion destroyed.
La pareja emocionada será asombrada recibir este arreglo bonito de gerberas y rosas en esta ocasión.

The excited couple would be amazed to receive this beautiful arrangement of gerberas and roses on this occasion.
After five years, on this occasion, Mgr.
Esperamos en esta ocasión reunir a muchas personas.
No he incluido todos los mantras cantados en esta ocasión, pero seleccionado solo algunos representativa.
I have not included all the Mantras chanted on this occasion, but selected just a representative few.
NRVs are not established on this occasion.
Yet on this occasion He allowed me to do so.
Glasses work very well on this occasion.
Al menos en esta ocasión, está diciendo la verdad.
On this occasion at least, he is telling the truth.
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Ocasion Especial En Ingles
pero en esta ocasión137
Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More
Ocasion En Ingles
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More