If your program or organization would like to request a donation from the Eldorado Resort Casino, please send your written request to P.O. Box 3399 Reno, NV 89505 Attn: Cindy Carano or Fax to 775-322-7124. For questions please contact us at 775-785-8587. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google™ Translate. Google™ Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. Completion of the form does NOT guarantee Golden Nugget Lake Charles will be able to fulfill your request. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Each request must be submitted no later than 90 days prior to your sponsorship or donation deadline. Your organization will be contacted if there is a favorable response to your request. NJSA 19:44A-2 Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared to be in the public interest and to be the policy of the State to limit political contributions and to require the reporting of all contributions received and expenditures made to aid or promote the nomination, election or defeat of any candidate for public office or to aid or promote the passage or defeat of a public question in.
Mission Statement: Foxwoods Resort Casino is committed to supporting our communities by embracing diversity, improving health and wellness , strengthening education, and developing veteran programs. Foxwoods continues to develop and maintain strong partnerships with Native American efforts and with local organizations in our area through sponsorships, donation of goods and in-kind services.
All donation requests will be reviewed a month prior to the event. Please submit your request one month from your event date to give the committee ample time to meet and discuss. The organization requesting the donation will be contacted by email, regardless of whether or not the request is approved.
- Appendix 1
- Addendum #1
- Addendum No. 1
- IG and HY Credit Research RFQ
- Response to Q&A
- Addendum #1
- IG and HY Credit Research RFQ (002)

- Addendum No. 2
- Addendum No. 1
- ESG RFP Final
- ESG RFP Final Word Version
- Q&A Final
Nj Casino Donation Request Phone Number
- Addendum 4
- Addendum 3
- Addendum 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Request for Proposals General Consulting Services
- Section 5 Word Version
- Exhibit A
- Q&A Final
- Exhibit 6
- Addendum #3 Q&A
- Addendum #2
- Addendum 1
- Exhibit 5
- Sec. Lending Final
- Section 5 Word Version
- Foreign Tax Agent Services – India
- India Q & A
- Addendum #1
- NOIA Foreign Tax Agent Services – India
- Request for Quote
- Addendum #1
- Addendum 4-1
- Addendum 4-2
- Addendum 4
- Addendum 3
- Addendum 2
- Addendum 1
- Technical Proposal
- Response to Q&A
- Foreign Tax Agent Services – Taiwan
- Addendum #1
- Addendum #2
- NOIA Foreign Tax Agent Services – Taiwan
Nj Casino Donation Request Status
- Checklist for Waivers and DPA Transactions
- State of New Jersey Standard Terms and Conditions
- Waivered Contracts Supplement to the State of NJ Standard Terms and Conditions
- Organ Tissue Donation
- Source Disclosure Certification Form
- Affirmative Action Supplement – Exhibit A
- Affirmative Action Employee Information Report Form
- Affirmative Action Instructions
- Subcontractor Utilization Plan
- Set-Off for State Tax Notice
- Certification and Disclosure 2706
- Chapter 51
- Disclosure of Investigations
- Disclosure of Investigation Activities in Iran
- MacBride Principles
- Ownership Disclosure
- Source Disclosure Certification
- Sub Chapter 4
Nj Casino Donation Request Confirmation

Nj Casino Donation Request
- Addendum #2
- Q&A
- Addendum #1 - TICS
- Technical Investment Consulting Services “TICS”