My 12 year old Yellow head Amazon Parrot calls the cat (imaginary), sings I love you, says what you doing, huh? And talks about herself - until she gets i. With Michael Sheen, Robert Chase, Rakie Ayola, Marc Rees. Profiles of artists from Wales, Welsh art events and news related to Welsh art. The Double Yellow Head Amazon is one of the more colorful species of amazons. Talking here about the nominate species Oratrix, When young there is much less yellow on the head and as the bird matures (can take 20-30 years) the yellow completely covers the crown and some may have yellow down into the face as well.
It's okay to cross a double yellow line to turn left. YOU CANNOT cross a double yellow line to pass another vehicle.

Two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart sometimes appear as a road marking. Such lines stand for a solid wall. Don't drive on or over these road markings. You may not make a left turn or U-turn across it.


Turn lanes are found in the middle of some two-way streets. The lane is marked on both sides by two painted lines—inner line broken, outer line solid. Use this lane only for making left turns.

‘Radtko’ PP 16,202 CPBR 3,104
Double Yellow Knockout Roses
From the same cross that produced the original Knock Out® Rose, The Double Knock Out® Rose represents the next generation in the family of The Knock Out® Roses. The full double flowers look just like a classic rose. It is as resistant to black spot as the famous original, has the same bloom cycle and is slightly more winter hardy.
Double Yellow Knockout Roses
color: Cherry red
flowering: Abundant and continuous
habit: Bushy
mature size: On average 3–4’ h x 3–4’ w
foliage: Deep, purplish green
zone: 5–11