82 Calling Code

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Pound codes (#) and star codes (.) are numbers you can call from your Verizon mobile phone to help manage your Verizon wireless account and access features. Due to inactivity, your session will end in approximately 2 minutes.82 + 10-digit phone number: Unblock Caller ID for a single call.86.

The country code 82 (82 area code) belongs to: South Korea 82 code country is preceded either by 00 ( 0082 ) or 011 ( 01182 ) for calls made from USA and Canada and by the sign plus (+82). Spam Calls from South Korea User Reports. Of the last 90 days. December 2, 2020 was the day with the highest activity due to 9 reports for phone numbers with the country code +82. Call Forwarding - Lets you automatically send incoming calls to another number, including pagers. Activate online in the Phone Portal. Deactivate online in the Phone Portal. Caller ID Blocking (single call) Block your name and number on a per call basis. Dial.67, the number you are calling, then press #. Dial.82, the number you are calling, then press #.

Area Code Reverse Lookup Results

The International Country Calling Code '82'
corresponds to the following countries:

82 Calling Code
South Korea

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82 Calling Code
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Do you need to perform an international phone number search? If you have received a telephone call or number to call from country code 82, then the country from which that call originated is South Korea. This reverse phone lookup information helps you get specific dialing instructions from your country to South Korea below. Additionally, you will find the current South Korean time zone information, helping you determine the best time to place your call to South Korea.
To get the South Korean phone code, mobile code, and dialing format to call South Korea(country code 82), select the country you are calling below:

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International phone number South Korea: +82

Dialing code for South Korea is +82. It is the national prefix to be used to dialing to this country from another country.
CountrySouth Korea
International phone number+82
ISO code 2:KR
ISO code 3:KOR
Capital city:Seoul
Number of inhabitants:48 422 644
Area:98 480,00km2
Internet domain of country::.kr
Currency:Won (KRW)
Languages:English (Caribbean)
Neighbouring states:
South Korea - The telephone area codes
Ansan+82 - 31
Anyang+82 - 31
Bucheon+82 - 31
Busan+82 - 51
Daegu+82 - 53
Daejeon+82 - 42
Gimhae+82 - 55
Goyang+82 - 31
Gumi+82 - 54
Gwangju+82 - 62
Gwangmyeong+82 - 31
Hwaseong+82 - 31
Changwon+82 - 55
Cheonan+82 - 41
Cheongju+82 - 43
Incheon+82 - 32
Jeju+82 - 64
Jeonju+82 - 63
Jinju+82 - 55
Namyangju+82 - 31
Paju+82 - 31
Pohang+82 - 54
Pyeongtaek+82 - 31
Seongnam+82 - 31
Seoul+82 - 2
Siheung+82 - 31
Suwon+82 - 31
Uijeongbu+82 - 31
Ulsan+82 - 52
Yongin+82 - 31

Phone area code

Each country area has its own local phone prefix. This phone prefix is added after IDD and international phone number. In case of local call (call just between areas not countries) you don't need to add IDD and international phone number.
If you are calling from other country than South Korea to the Ansan area, dial IDD of your country, then international phone number (country code) +82, after that phone area code of Ansan 31 and call number.
Example: International call
+82 - 31 (Telephone number)
If you are calling inside country South Korea , you don't need to dial IDD and international phone number (country code) of Ansan+82. Just dial phone area code of 31 and call number.
Example: Local call
0 31 (Telephone number)
In South Korea are used power plugs and sockets of type C,F 220 V and 60 Hz.

Country Calling Code 82

If you are planning a business trip or vacation to South Korea, you need to know the following information:

International Telephone Codes 011

82 calling code 011
  • South Korea uses the phone code +82
  • Type of electrical sockets in South Korea is C,F 220 V and 60 Hz. You can see photos of electrical sockets above this article.

82 Dialing Codes International

Many hotels are ready for tourists and have electrical outlets of various types. You can use the area code +82 for South Korea

82 Calling Code Singapore

, call the hotel and find out which electrical outlets they have.