The last three to four years, it’s just been you and your child. You have done all you can to ensure that you have raised a kind, compassionate, curious and respectful kid. However, soon your kiddo will be heading to preschool, which means you won’t be able to observe him/her throughout the day to ensure they are still becoming who you want them to be. When your child is enrolled at First Class Child Development, however, we will do everything we can to ensure that your kid’s physical and emotional needs are met. Not only that but we will also make sure that you feel entirely comfortable with what your child is learning and how they are being taught. We do this by taking into account the seven domains of early childhood development. Unaware of what these domains are? Continue reading below to learn more.

Gross Motor
This is one of the most basic of the domains that your child is already learning. In the simplest terms, this is when your child learns how to use the big muscle groups in their body. While your kiddo is already past crawling and have moved on to walking, there are always more gross motor skills to be learned. Participating in active games and playing sports are just a couple of ways these skills can be obtained while your little one is attending preschool.
4 Educational Domains Chart
Fine Motor
While hand-eye coordination comes far more naturally to some, this is not true of all. Children have to learn how to control their muscle movement in their hands in order to obtain hand-eye coordination and more. There are specific ways we do this in the classroom such as having your child use scissors, color, play with Legos, draw pictures and more. These skills can turn into more advanced ones later on like when your child decides he/she wants to knit or play the guitar.
The 4 Domains of Teaching A-Domain – PLANNING – Organizing Content Knowledge for Student Learning Effective teachers plan appropriately, organizing information and activities in meaningful ways. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities. The components of Domain 4 demonstrate the behind-the-scenes work associated with teaching. These components are essential in the smooth functioning of. Domain 4, together with Domain 1 - Planning and Preparation, represents the 'behind the scenes' work associated with teaching. Through their skills in Domain 4, teachers demonstrate their commitment to. Discover your perfect domain Find the right name to help people find you. Use our search and suggestion tools. Pick from hundreds of domain name endings. Learn how to find the right domain Get a. The Four Domains of Teaching Responsibility. And in pursuit of important learning, a teacher creates, with the students, a community of learners, where all students feel respected and honored. Each of the four domains of the framework refers to a distinct aspect of teaching. To some degree, the components within each domain.
While we are sure you have been working with your child so that he/she knows how to recognize the letters of the alphabet or even read shorter words, this is one domain that takes a while to perfect as even into adulthood, this domain can be improved. We like to read to the children and also speak to them as often as possible so that they can learn to communicate their wants, needs, opinions and more.
The cognitive domain is the one that children develop in order to understand cause and effect. This sort of skill will also aid in early math skills such as counting and recognizing patterns. We will work to help your child to understand what sort of things occur because of their actions in order to more fully develop this domain.
In order to be successful in the long run, children have to socialize. Not only does spending time with other children teach them important skills like how to share, but it also gives them the chances to develop good manners and overall behavior.
Self Help/Adaptive
One of the best things about enrolling your child in a preschool is that they can begin to rely on themselves a bit. While they have been relying on you, the parent, since the moment they were born, they are now spending an extended amount of time away from you, meaning they have to rely on themselves and only themselves. One of the most important ways children learn to help themselves is when they begin to go through potty-training, something we advocate for largely at our preschool.
While we truly believe that self respect and love is behavior that is learned from the parents, children tend to learn a lot about themselves by being exposed to the personalities and habits of others, like those in their class. Additionally, positive influences like the instructors at our preschool can help your little one to get a better grasp on the difference between what is right and wrong, as well as learning to accept those who are different from them.
Want Your Child To Succeed? Enroll At First Class Child Development Today
If you are interested in having your child enrolled at our child development facility, make sure to call us today. Classes fill up quickly and we wouldn’t want your child to miss out on all that First Class Child Development has to offer.
Exploring domain name options for your eLearning website? Our large selection of education domain name choices will make it easy for you to connect with students. Get inspired with our list of 10 education-related top-level domains (TLDs) for websites dedicated to providing online learning opportunities!
10 education domain name ideas
If your college offers online degree programmes, distance learning options, or is just looking for a clear way to market itself online, you can’t go wrong with a .COLLEGE domain name. Promote your online academic programmes and vocational training courses with a domain name extension that students will instantly recognise.
Many universities have embraced online learning, opening the doors to a more inclusive student body. Online university programmes offer students an affordable, easy way to access higher education. From working professionals to anyone unable to physically attend classes on campus, eLearning options provide educational opportunities to all. A .UNIVERSITY domain name is an unambiguous way to promote your university’s online courses.
.SCHOOL domain names are generic enough that they can work for universities and elementary schools, or eLearning programmes. They can be used by teachers, student organisations, or administrators. Textbook publishers, testing services, and parent-teacher associations can all benefit from a .SCHOOL domain. The .SCHOOL domain extension creates a broad and dynamic digital space for all things school-related. The NOVUM Hospitality School, for example, offers webinars to nurture internal talents, offering employees the opportunity to develop their skills.
German online learning programmes and schools will benefit from a .SCHULE domain name. German-speaking Internet users will have no problems recognising “schule”, the German word for “school”. If your online learning website targets German-speakers, .SCHULE is a must.
Do you offer online test prep services, certification training, or study tips and tools? Then a .STUDY domain name will make it easy for users to find you online. Register your brand or keyword (“math”, “exam”, or whatever your target is) + .STUDY so users instantly see what kind of study services you offer.
For eLearning programmes dedicated to such areas of learning as classical studies, arts training, or advancement of a particular field of science, there is the .ACADEMY domain name. Music academies, military academies, and sports science academies alike can match their specialty with .ACADEMY for a domain name that is clear, targeted, and easy-to-remember.
.INSTITUTE domain names are ideal for online learning programmes dedicated to a particular purpose or discipline. For technology institutes, science institutes, arts institutes, and the like, a .INSTITUTE domain name will convey your expertise of a given field of study.
Offer an online Master of Business degree programme? For online branding purposes, a .MBA domain name is one of the best investments you can make. Short, memorable, unmistakable, .MBA will highlight your programme’s expertise and authority.
4 Educational Domains Definition
.TRAINING domain names are a great match for eLearning sites offering personal or professional development skills. Skills-based learning, fitness coaching, dressmaking, or any other kind of training you can find online has a home within the .TRAINING domain name space.
Like .SCHOOL, .EDUCATION is broad enough that anyone affiliated with the online education world will benefit. Versatile, attention-grabbing, and targeted, a .EDUCATION domain name is a natural fit for eLearning programmes, online tutors, coaching services, or anyone else dedicated to helping students meet their educational goals. See, for instance, Gamč
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